Saturday, November 20, 2010


I liked to road The Rapunzel when I was a child. 

This story is The prince heard Rapunzel's beautiful song from a tower. Therefore, He wanted to meet her, while there was no door in the tower. One day, the prince heard the witch call out. "Rapunzel, let down your hair." Then, Rapunzel let down her long hair and the witch climbed up into the tower. The prince went to the tower again and called out. "Rapunzel, let down you hair." Her hair fell down, and the prince could climb up into the tower. Then, they are fell in love with each other. However, witch saw the prince climbed up into the tower and than, she cut the rapunzel's hair. They couldn't see each other and are felt sad everyday. Therefore, killed witch and they love for a long time. 

I liked this story with my sister. We watched everyday when I was 7years old. However, this story didn't teach me because it is love story and romantic. 


  1. When I was achild, I enjoyed to this story

  2. I'm familiar with this story, but I didn't read it when I was a child. Maybe it's more popular with girls?

    Corrections: "Then, they fell in love with each other." "They couldn't see each other and they felt sad everyday."

  3. I NEVER READ THIS BOOK BEFORE ..I dont even know but it sounds like good

  4. nice pictures , do you see the movie

  5. Woooow I like this story because when I was child mom read this story many times to me and my brothers.
